Terms and conditions

Here at The Boiler Repair Forum we aim to make everything as Efficient as possible.

We have put together some terms and conditions together for you to look through, if you need any help or any further information please get in touch with our team at contact@theboilerrepairforum.co.uk

Product Cover

The cover will commence on the date shown on your agreement and will last for 12 months from that date. During the first year of cover no claim can be made within the first 28 days.


Wherever possible we will aim to give 28 days notice of any changes to price and the contents of what is included within your agreement. The price shown on your agreement will not change until the renewal date. On the renewal date your cover will automatically renew for a further fixed year period unless you inform us you do not wish to renew. Your agreement is a 12-month rolling contract and it remains valid until termination by either The Boiler Repair Forum or the client.

Gas Supply Cover

Gas supply cover can be added to your agreement at an extra cost of £2 per month. This covers gas pipework up to any appliances only.

Gas Fire Service

Gas Fire Service can be added to your Efficient Care agreement for an additional £2 per month. This entitles you to an annual service for your Gas Fire, please note any parts or repair work required will be at an additional cost and a quote will be given prior to any work proceeding.

Replacement Boiler

If your boiler is deemed beyond repair and it was installed by The Boiler Repair Forum then a replacement boiler will be arranged, as long as you have held a continuous agreement with The Boiler Repair Forum that spans the life of the boiler.

First service and initial inspection

The Boiler Repair Forum will inspect the installation/boiler within 28 days of your Efficient Care plan commencing to ensure it is in safe working order and has been installed according to manufacturer instructions. You will be provided with a completed checklist to inform you of what has been inspected.

As long as your system/boiler passes the initial inspection The Boiler Repair Forum will take on Efficient Care agreement. In the case of further work/amendments being required The Boiler Repair Forum will do one of the following:

  1. Inform you of work required and give you a quote for said work
  2. Offer you the cover agreement excluding cover for the part/parts which require remedial work

Exclusions from agreement

This service contract sits along your statutory rights and The Boiler Repair Forum will repair faulty goods subject to fair wear and tear and misuse providing they were installed by The Boiler Repair Forum.

Power Flushing

The purpose of Power Flushing is to remove any sludge, iron oxides or debris from your heating system to improve efficiency and prevent damage. Power Flushing may be recommended by The Boiler Repair Forum at the initial inspection visit along with the fitting of a magnetic system filter.

Statistics show that a large proportion of boiler faults can be attributed to the presence of sludge/debris within the heating system.

If Power Flushing is recommended at the initial inspection, then there will be a charge for this service. Once this initial Power Flush has been undertaken (providing a magnetic system filter has been fitted) any further Power Flushing will be free of charge as long as you are still in contract with The Boiler Repair Forum.

Should you decide against The Boiler Repair Forum advice and choose not the undertake a Power Flush if recommended then your heating system will not be covered should the system fail due to sludge/debris build up or oxidisation.

Annual Service

Annual servicing is included free of charge within your Efficient Care agreement and The Boiler Repair Forum will notify you in writing when your system is due for annual service. It is your responsibility to arrange this service by contacting The Boiler Repair Forum and arranging a suitable time/date for servicing to be carried out.

Parts and Components

If new parts are required The Boiler Repair Forum will endeavour to fit the same part but if this is not possible alternative parts of the same quality will be fit. In the event of needing to order replacement parts from suppliers The Boiler Repair Forum cannot be held responsible for delays in replacement and will not be liable to pay any compensation should this occur.

Change of house ownership / moving house

If ownership of the address shown within the agreement changes then the new owner can retain the benefits of the agreement providing the payments continue to be paid and details are updated.

No refund is given for any remaining time left on the agreement when moving to a new house. It is the agreement holder or new owner’s responsibility to inform The Boiler Repair Forum of any changes regarding address.

Please notify The Boiler Repair Forum of any changes to address as soon as possible, The Boiler Repair Forum can then transfer your agreement to the new address and arrange to carry out an initial inspection at your new property.

Cancellation of Agreement

Your agreement can be cancelled at any point by giving The Boiler Repair Forum 28 day’s notice in writing. If the agreement is cancelled within the first year you may be charged for any work that has been carried out under the agreement and will be charged at The Boiler Repair Forum’s standard rate.

The Boiler Repair Forum reserve the right to terminate your agreement should payments be missed, and protocols not followed as outlined in the above terms and conditions.

All the terms of the contract between the customer and the company are contained in the document and written specifications (if any) provided to the customer. No variation of terms shall bind either party unless such variation is made in writing and signed by the party to be bound. The company, have discussed with the customer the requirement for the installation of the heating products as listed on the quote form, may need to carry out a survey to take detailed measurements and/or specifications and any contract is subject to the surveyor’s report and findings.

The Company reserves the right to decline the work detailed on the contract should its surveyor(s) think fit to do so. Should this action become necessary, the liability of the company in these circumstances is limited to refund of any deposit paid by the customer and these sums will be returned immediately.

Delivery/installation timescales are approximate and shall be deemed to commence with effect from settlement of all details of the order and receipt of payment of any deposit where applicable and are made subject to fires, strikes or lockouts and any other cause beyond the control of the company interfering with its execution or completion of the contract. Time shall not be deemed to be the essence of the contract.

We will carry out the work during normal working hours Monday to Friday but may on occasion need to use a reasonable amount of time to achieve completion. It is a condition of this contract that your approval to such overtime is granted although we will endeavour to minimise any disruption or inconvenience. Should any overtime or unsocial working hours be specifically requested by you, other than any special arrangement charged for and agreed on the sales order form, it may be necessary for us to add extra costs and these will be explained at that time and prior to the overtime or unsocial working hours commencing. We will need access to the relative property at all reasonable times whilst the work is being executed and would expect free use of water, electricity and gas to enable us to complete the work in accordance with this Contract.

Due to the Company’s policy of continuous improvement, the Customer shall have the benefit of any modification the Company may make to its products and procedures albeit these changes may be made without prior notice to the Customer. All illustrations within the Company’s literature and that of its suppliers are subsequently intended as a guide only.

Any concession, latitude or waiver allowed by the Company at any time shall be without prejudice to their strict and full rights under this Contract and shall not prevent the Company subsequently exercising such rights.

Payment of the Contract balance is due immediately upon completion of the work to your reasonable satisfaction. When payments have been made to the Company’s agents or representatives, the Customer must retain a copy of the Contract or Invoice with the payment indicated and receipted by the person to whom the payment is handed. Cheques must be made payable in favour of the Company only. If remedial work is necessary, the Customer may hold a maximum of 10% of the value of the invoice until such work is carried out – All goods supplied remain property of the Company even though installed, until fully paid for and the Company reserves the right of re-entry to remove any such goods whether fixed or otherwise, which remain unpaid for. The guarantee shall be null and void if payments are not made on the due dates and the above conditions not adhered to.

If the Customer has entered into a Credit Agreement via the Company’s nominated finance providers, the terms of their agreement will apply as part of this Contract. If the Credit Agreement is later cancelled, then subject to the terms of the 1974 Consumer Credit Act, the contact balance will become immediately payable. This does not affect your statutory rights.

In the event of suspension or cancellation of the work at the request of the Customer, or lack of instructions or delay on site caused by matters beyond the control of the Company, any extra expenses thereby incurred losses suffered shall be chargeable to the Customer along with a reasonable addition for administration and overhead costs. This condition shall not be construed as to affect any statutory or common law rights of the Customer. It is the Customer’s responsibility to ensure that any licence, permit or other authority necessary for the execution of the work is obtained and that existing property boundaries are correctly defined.

Whilst every care will be taken by the Company it accepts no liability for any damage to plaster work, decorations, flooring, etc. which may be consequent upon the carrying out of the work detailed, unless specifically provided for in the schedule(s) on the sales order form. Cuts or holes made to allow for equipment will be made good but not permanently finished or re-decorated. Floor boards will be re-instated or replaced where necessary but special and/or laminated floors cannot be permanently re-fixed. Any carpets which have to be lifted will be re-laid to the best of our engineer’s ability, however we cannot be held responsible for carpets which have been nailed or glued down. It should be anticipated that an amount of re-decoration may be required, and this will be the Customer’s responsibility and is not included in the price. Similarly, the Company accepts no responsibility for damage which is attributable to structural defect or weakness unless such damage results from negligence on the part of the Company, it’s servants, workmen or assigns.

In the event of suspension or cancellation of the work at the request of the Customer, or lack of instructions or delay on site caused by matters beyond the control of the Company, any extra expenses thereby incurred losses suffered shall be chargeable to the Customer along with a reasonable addition for administration and overhead costs. This condition shall not be construed as to affect any statutory or common law rights of the Customer. It is the Customer’s responsibility to ensure that any licence, permit or other authority necessary for the execution of the work is obtained and that existing property boundaries are correctly defined.